Busy Mom Survival Kit

My sister has often said to me, why does my child listen to you and not me? I then taught her the NLP skills that I was using with her child to help her listen to me. Soon enough, her child was listening to my sister.

Did you know that the first 7 years of your child’s life they have no social filters? They take everything literally and it is there unconscious mind that is 100% running them. The unconscious mind works differently than an older person’s mind because they don’t understand implied statements, sarcasm,etc. This is where NLP training is beneficial as it knows how to talk directly to the unconscious mind so what you’re trying to communicate is understood by your child from asking them to go to bed, put on their coat to sit still for a minute. These NLP tricks will help your younger children listen better and follow directions.

Plus, in this seminar, you’ll learn simple and quick techniques to start your day with more energy and feeling grounded and centered within. Also learn to protect your energies from your children and maintain your energetic boundaries so your cup isn’t empty. This skill set will also work with other people and those energy vampires that we all struggle to get away from. Gain a skill set that helps you start and end your day more collected, refreshed and revitalized. Because when you are as busy as most moms today are, anything that helps you manage your day better is completely worthwhile.

Your instructor, Tanya Mackie, has been an NLP practitioner for over 20 years and spent many years as an educational assistant working with challenging children and more recently works with adults who have special needs. She has used her NLP skills to be highly effective in these jobs and would love the opportunity to pass along this knowledge to the struggling moms out there.

Class: $49

Wed. April 30th 7-9 pm Or Wed. May 28th 7-9 pm #107, 80 McKenney Avenue

To register, please contact Tanya Mackie at 587-986-7728. If you or your friends are interested in the class and cannot attend, reach out to Tanya and arrangements can be made for another date.