Access Bars Light Language

Access Bars removes the old baggage of thoughts, emotions and beliefs that have left you feeling blocked and stuck in areas of your life. The Light Language comes in to assist with any stuck blocks that need help with releasing. It helps reduce stress, anxiety, feelings of overwhelm, mind chatter, and PTSD. Access Bars is done on a massage table and you are fully clothed relaxing as 32 points that are mainly on your head are lightly touched. It goes through the main areas in our lives where we have a lot of thoughts, emotions and beliefs around like money, control, aging and getting older, creating connections, etc. When the bars are run, they help release old thoughts and beliefs that are no longer serving you. As everyone has there own life experiences and challenges, each session is different and each person gets off the table feeling completely different than when they got on the table - usually feeling lighter, happier and more at peace within. Sessions are usually 60 to 90 minutes and are $179. Call 587-986-7728 to book or email

Light Language is a higher frequency of universal energy that uses symbols and sounds to realign you with your High Self and the goals that you want to achieve in your life. It is much like Reiki in that it taps into the universal energy. For those that are familiar with the Ascension that has been occurring since 2020, the Light Language helps one move from 3D to 5D; it is almost acting like the bridge in 4D to allow you to make the jump across to 5D or as one fellow practitioner told me: it’s re-quantifying you. In layman’s terms, it’s helping you let go of the old stuck energies that are no longer serving you and holding you back in your life. If you are really ready for a change in your life, this treatment will help you make and align with that change you want to have happen. If you are interested in learning Light Language, go to classes section.

32 points of Access Bars


“I wanted to tell you that I feel so different it’s so weird to not have those feelings of anger and resentment. It’s a game changer!! You have no idea how much you’ve done for me. Thank you again!!”

- P. Rousseau