Discovering the Sacred You

A powerful journey into exploring who you really are and what is stopping you from being that person.


Through a guided meditation, you go deep within yourself to meet who you truly are and through a conversation with yourself discover the three main things that has been holding you back. When you come out of the meditation, you share with the instructor what you have discovered. Then using Spiritual Response Therapy (see Services), the group gets cleared of all the blocks that has been holding everyone back. This is a very powerful clearing because anything anyone else says that is blocking them, if it resonates with you, you then get that cleared for you as well. Plus, when doing anything in a group it amplifies everyone’s will and energies to be able to implement the changes that have been created through the clearing. In clearing these blocks, you become that much closer to being the true authentic self you have always wanted to be. Isn’t it time?

Classes $69

Saturday October 26th 2-4pm #107, 80 McKenney Avenue, St. Albert

Saturday November 9th 2-4pm #107, 80 McKenney Avenue, St. Albert

To book a class go to contact page or call/text 587-986-7728.