Phoenix Health helping align people with their higher selves and the life they want to live.
Phoenix Health helping align people with their higher selves and the life they want to live.
Did you know that with the Ascension, we are becoming more sensitive to the energies around us? This can make you more tired, anxious and stressed as you are feeling the energies of other people and are not fully aware of it. Take this seminar to learn how to protect your energies from others, maintain your energetic boundaries & remove the energy attachments that are on you, so you can be free and clear. You’ll gain a skill set that helps you start and end your day more refreshed and revitalized! Great skill set for empaths or people with anxiety or for those people who feel drained after interacting with other people. Class: $69 and runs about 2 hours long.
Class Dates:
Saturday February 1 1-3pm #107, 80 McKenney Avenue
Saturday March 15 1-3pm #107, 80 McKenney Avenue
To book, please contact Tanya Mackie at 587-986-7728. If your friends and you are interested in the class and cannot attend, reach out to Tanya and arrangements can be made for another date.