Phoenix Health helping align people with their higher selves and the life they want to live.
Phoenix Health helping align people with their higher selves and the life they want to live.
There is a power in healing with a group and going on a similar journey with others. Plus, it provides added support and understanding to what you are experiencing. On the new moon, we will start a flower essence and/or essential oil blend. The new moon is about new beginnings and the best time to set new intentions and start new projects. On the new moon there will be a meditation done by fellow Intergrative Therapist Tammy Courtney that is relevant to the journey we will be going on and an SRT clearing to help clear the relevant issues people have around the theme. For example in the first month, we will be taking the Freedom Spray which helps clear negative energies and thoughts. Maybe someone in the group discussion says they really struggle with “stinking” thinking and once they are upset about something, they brood and it goes around and around in head. Then SRT would clear any programming around that, but for the whole group. Then whatever else is brought up in the group discussion is also cleared. At the full moon, we discuss progress and any challenges people are facing in the blend. We do another meditation around the theme and do SRT clearing around the challenges. Plus, there is monthly exercises to do and a group chat to reach out and discuss the theme. It’s $39 for every moon gathering you attend and the group is via zoom. Blend is separate.
Further, the Essences of the Moon group journey is planned to run an entire year building on skills and leading to doing deeper healing work. We’re starting with clearing out negative energies so that when we do deeper work, you have the tools and supports to handle what arises. The first few months will be giving skills and tools, and connecting you to your ancestors and spiritual guides. Then in the fall and winter we take you into doing journeys around forgiveness, self-forgiveness, issues around addiction, and heartache. By spring we bring you out of the healing old wounds and into new beginnings with blends like Heart’s Center, Inner Composure, Purpose and ending with Prosperity. You can attend every month or pick and choose the ones that are calling to you.
Freedom Spray
On July 9th 7-9pm (Pacific standard time) we start our journey with the Freedom spray and learning how to clear negative energies from your life.
Healing Energies Round Table
To kickoff the Essences of the Moon group, we are having a week long Healing Energy Round Table workshop week in Kitwanga, BC from July 3-9th. We finish it off with the Essences of the Moon. If you are in the Kitwanga area, call us at 587-986-7728 to register or come to the information day on July 3rd and find out more! Go to to find out more.