Heartache Massage Oil

Heartache Massage Oil


For those who have lost their faith from “buying in” and being disillusioned by the materialistic world or for those who have become disheartened by working hard to have a certain lifestyle. It awakens the heart to realizing where your true happiness comes from.

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Flower Essence and Essential Oil Massage oil

Note: Massage oil not spray.

Purpose for Product: For those who have lost their faith from “buying in” and being disillusioned by the materialistic world. For people who have bought the big house, cars, etc., and still have not found their happiness. It’s also for those who have become disheartened from working really hard to gain the lifestyle they have and have lost their way. It awakens the heart to realizing where your true happiness comes from and shifts you to either appreciating the work you do or finding the joy somewhere else.

Essential oils: Vanilla Oleoresin is used to remove harmful toxins both emotionally and physically thereby clearing the materialism that is toxic.

Carrier oil: Avocado is a rich oil, symbolizing the richness of money and materialism. It’s also nourishing and will help support while you process.

Flower Essences: First flower essence helps us understand archetypal patterns of envy and jealousy and help us release their hold on our psyche. Second essence for lacking courage to rise to a new level and gives us the courage to face limitations and challenges.

Label: The logo represents being lost on the wrong path and taking this will lift the fog and lead them to where they need to go.

Use: Shake really well before use to mix the essential oil and carrier oil together. Squirt once into hands and then massage onto heart chakra (at center of chest between breasts). Apply first thing in morning and before you go to bed. Wash hands after application.

Amount:  90mL in the spray bottle and using it daily in recommended instructions lasts about 3 months. Size 2” x 2” x 5.5”.

Cautions: Do not use if allergic to vanilla or avocado. Hands will be oily & slippery after applying. Wash hands after applying and be careful what you touch half hour after applying.

Brief explanation of how they work: Essential oils are carried through the olfactory/smell receptors and nerves to the limbic system of the brain. Your limbic system controls your states of emotions, so the essential oils help modify your emotions.

The flower essences are energetic remedies made from the flower of the plant. There is no biomaterial in the flower essences, so allergies are not a concern when taking them. They usually work gently on the emotional, mental and spiritual level helping bring forth realizations around your issue and release old patterns of thinking or feeling.

Ian White, an Australian flower essence practitioner and teacher, said that when you take them for past traumas, you don't have to consciously live through the trauma again, the flower essences just lift it from the psyche, healing it. So you may experience a healing crisis of sorts, but you don't have to actively live the trauma.

When you get emotional, it is releasing those stored emotions from your body and healing those old wounds. Again, if it is becoming too intense for you, reduce the amount of times or sprays.