Psychic Protect

Psychic Protect


Helps protect your energies from being taken by others and prevent you from taking on other people’s energies by creating a protective boundary around you.

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Psychic Protect

Flower Essence and Essential Oil Spray

Purpose for Product: This protective spray helps create healthy boundaries that prevent you from taking on other people’s energies and protect you from having others take your energies. It helps maintain your integrity.

Essential oils: Lime essential oil is used for protection and to create a protected space and traditionally used to ward off evil. Lime strengthens your own resolve by giving you mental clarity and clearing the aura of negativity so you can see things clearly. Plus, it re-energizes the body and soul to help stand your own ground. Vanilla oleo resin is calming and strengthening to help you stay grounded and centered. It opens the throat chakra so you can speak your peace and helps instill personal empowerment. Further, Vanilla essential oil “helps induce feelings of safety, reduce anger, negative emotions and break toxic relations.” -

Flower Essences: The first essence helps solidify your auric field and keep parasitic energies at bay. The second essence provides additional support by clearing negative energies from the auric field and provides inner strength and resilience to outside energies and influences. The third essence allows you to be empathic instead of sympathetic and be compassionate to others without taking on their issues or energies. The next essence helps you stay grounded and be fully present. Another essence helps you follow and align with your own inner convictions. The next essence helps bring in protection from the angelic and spiritual realms, helping you feel protected and providing inner strength and courage. The last essence strengthens the auric field so that one is not so sensitive and responsive to the people around them and their environment.

Label: Logo represents a protective shield around you that keeps others energies out of your space.

Use:  Use whenever you feel you need to protect your energies and spray 3 squirts before and after being around toxic person, group environments, etc. If practitioner or working with toxic people, spray in morning, half way through day and at end of work day. Can spray up to 5 times a day, but recommend 3-4 It’s recommended that you add a question after spraying of what you want the spray to help you with. e.g. how is it that I can feel more safe and protected? how is it I can stand my ground? etc. By asking the question, it makes the unconscious mind start looking for solutions and find the answer to your question.

Amount:  90mL in the spray bottle and using it daily in recommended instructions lasts about 2 months. Size 2” x 2” x 5.5”.

Caution: Do not use if allergic to the essential oil. Be sure to avoid the eyes when spraying and do not take internally. If allergic reaction occurs, stop using it immediately – you can then contact Phoenix Health and the spray can be made up without the essential oils in them. Some people are more sensitive and can become overly emotional; they should reduce the amount of times to twice a day first. Then if that is still too much, reduce the amount of sprays to one each time. But note the difference between it being too intense to handle and releasing emotions that need releasing. The release is healthy, too intense or too often a release is unhealthy. You are the best judge for what you can handle and are in control of how often you take it. The Psychic Protect spray should not do that, but if it does, please contact me if the reduction in sprays or times doesn’t help and we can discuss what is going on.

Brief explanation of how they work: Essential oils are carried through the olfactory/smell receptors and nerves to the limbic system of the brain. Your limbic system controls your states of emotions, so the essential oils help stabilize your emotions.

The flower essences are energetic remedies made from the flower of the plant. There is no biomaterial in the flower essences, so allergies are not a concern when taking them. They usually work gently on the emotional, mental and spiritual level helping bring forth realizations around your issue and release old patterns of thinking or feeling. When used daily a few times a day, the flower essences start to bring to the surface your reasons for not having healthy boundaries and help you process and shift to maintaining proper boundaries for you.

Ian White, an Australian flower essence practitioner and teacher, said that when you take them for past traumas, you don't have to consciously live through the trauma again, the flower essences just lift it from the psyche, healing it. So you may experience a healing crisis of sorts, but you don't have to actively live the trauma.

When you get emotional, it is releasing those stored emotions from your body and healing those old wounds. Again, if it is becoming too intense for you, reduce the amount of times or sprays.