


Helps you know who you truly are.

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Flower Essence and Essential Oil Spray

Purpose for Product: Purpose helps you connect with the core of who you truly are and feel connected to your spiritual light for insight, intuition and inner strength. It gathers it all inwards for you to see out. Purpose helps you find your path and purpose for being here.

Essential oils: Sweet birch essential oil helps clear out toxic, negative energies so that you can feel more connected to your inner self and the path that is best for you. It helps cleanse and purify your environment to create a protected space and create a clear pathway to communication, especially with your inner self. Birch helps clear away barriers that keep us from our truth and seeking our truth.

Flower Essences: The first flower essence helps you find your true path in life and to be your true self. It helps you become aware of and let go appeasing others, and aware of fears or traumas that have been holding you back from your path. The second essence helps nourish the soul with inner strength and vitality. It more importantly helps bring forth realizations of a new way of being to fully tap into one’s highest potential and happiness. The last essence helps heal the past that stopped you from following your purpose and made you shutdown. This flower essence helps you find your resiliency and recover, so that you can re-tap back into your life. It rejuvenates and encourages you to thrive and follow your path.

Label: Logo represents the soul’s inner light shining out and clearing away the darkness so the path is made clear.

Use:  Shake really well before each use as essential oils separate and sink to bottom and you will use up the essential oils and it will stop smelling. Best practice is to spray up to 4 times a day with first thing in the morning and before you go to bed being most important. If it becomes too emotional or intense, either reduce amount of times per day or contact us for support and suggestions. (read cautions and how it works). 

Amount:  90mL in the spray bottle and using it daily in recommended instructions lasts about 2-3 months. Size 2” x 2” x 5.5”.

Caution: Do not use if allergic to the essential oil. Be sure to avoid the eyes when spraying and do not take internally. If allergic reaction occurs, stop using it immediately – you can then contact Phoenix Health and the spray can be made up without the essential oils in them. The flower essences can bring forth emotions and the past. If it becomes too much, reduce the amount of times to twice a day first. Then if that is still too much, reduce the amount of sprays to one each time. But note the difference between it being too intense to handle and releasing emotions that need releasing. The release is healthy, too intense or too often a release is unhealthy. You are the best judge for what you can handle and are in control of how often you take it.

Brief explanation of how they work: Essential oils are carried through the olfactory/smell receptors and nerves to the limbic system of the brain. Your limbic system controls your states of emotions, so the essential oils help modify your emotions.

The flower essences are energetic remedies made from the flower of the plant. There is no biomaterial in the flower essences much like homeopathics, so allergies are not a concern when taking them. They usually work gently on the emotional, mental and spiritual level helping bring forth realizations around your issue and release old patterns of thinking or feeling.

Ian White, an Australian flower essence practitioner and teacher, said that when you take them for past traumas, you don't have to consciously live through the trauma again, the flower essences just lifts it from the psyche, healing it. So you may experience a healing crisis of sorts, but you don't have to actively live the trauma.

When you get emotional, it is releasing those stored emotions from your body and healing those old wounds. Again, if it is becoming too intense for you, reduce the amount of times or sprays.