Self Forgiveness Drops

Self Forgiveness Drops


Helps you to forgive yourself by ending pathways of self-punishment.

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Self Forgiveness

Flower Essence Dropper Bottle

Note: It’s not an aromatherapy as it is just flower essences and it’s taken internally.

Purpose for Product: Ends the pathways to self punishment so you can start living your best life.

Essential oils: None. Not meant to be. Strictly Flower Essence.

Flower Essences: One essence purifies, rejuvenates, and balances one's spiritual-sexual nature, gently reuniting masculine and feminine principles. Another essence is about our deepest relationship with self, being true to self and a more authentic connection to our self. Last essence is about making peace within one self and honoring the life that lives through us.

Label: Logo is yellow roses which convey warmth and affection. Yellow roses mean welcome back and remember me… remember self.

Use: Best practice swirl the bottle 8 times in figure 8 motion before using. Take the flower essences 4 drops 4 times a day. If it becomes too intense, reduce amount of times a day to first thing in morning and before going to bed. Still intense, reduce amount of drops.  

Amount:  45mL in the dropper bottle and using it daily in recommended instructions lasts about 1 month. Size 1.5” x 1.5” x 4.75”.

Cautions: It is preserved with brandy. If allergic or unable to take alcohol, contact Phoenix Health (see below) and one can be made without the brandy for you.  Flower essences are gentle and safe and don’t contain any plant matter in them so you cannot be allergic to the flower essences only the brandy.

Brief explanation of how they work: The flower essences are energetic remedies made from the flower of the plant. There is no biomaterial in the flower essences, so allergies are not a concern when taking them. They usually work gently on the emotional, mental and spiritual level helping bring forth realizations around your issue and release old patterns of thinking or feeling.

Ian White, an Australian flower essence practitioner and teacher, said that when you take them for past traumas, you don't have to consciously live through the trauma again, the flower essences just lift it from the psyche, healing it. So you may experience a healing crisis of sorts, but you don't have to actively live the trauma.

When you get emotional, it is releasing those stored emotions from your body and healing those old wounds. Again, if it is becoming too intense for you, reduce the amount of times or amount of drops.